Thursday, March 01, 2012

How we view Knowledge?

The first picture shows a wise sage in asia who is being consulted on his wisdom. He provides solution and words of wisdom.

The second picture shows the Debate of the Ancients where there is learning through dialogue. Knowledge is created and new thoughts evolved.

Is this telling of how we view education in asia and in the west?

How we are taught and how we learn?


HM said...

Er no. Not that I know of anyway. Certainly in my experience, my formal education was nothing like that. Or at least, the system was nothing like that. Fortunately I had some great old school teachers who taught like that but I don't think they exist anymore. Their system (for churning out teachers) is even worse.Even more fortunately I had parents who gave me a free hand in learning and exploring the world around me. I suppose (speaking as a parent now) it is incumbent upon parents to inculcate a love for learning and curiosity as well as building values and character in the kids. I sometimes wonder then what are they doing in school ??

Bamboo Pole said...

Hey Meng, just realized your updating your bloggy-thingy. Hope you don't mind if I give them a rear