Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Last week was too hectic for comfort. World Cup and late nights did not help and it certainly prevented me from having any meditations leave alone inspirations. However, the message at church by Rev Stuart Rae 2 weeks ago is etched in my heart for awhile now. My spirit has been meditating on it.
Exodus 4: 2 "whats in your hand?"
- God used what is most familiar to Moses; his staff
- Our giftings must be given to the Lord...and willing to "throw it to the ground"
- Our giftings if not yielded to God could become a deadly serpent.

2 Kings 4: 2 "What is in your house?"
the widows oil

Although I am cautious about such use of scripture to draw parallels, these 2 questions have been ringing in my ears. The Lord has certainly bless me and Connie with much. We have not been as faithful as we have been in the past of offering it back to the Lord for His use. I pray the Lord will make clear the answers to these 2 questions....

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