Tuesday, February 21, 2012

This week I'm knocking down the papers, smaller ones to concentrate on the bigger ones. A paper on the psalms for OT Survey and a paper on Inter-testamental Period for NT Survey.

Last night I attended the Division meeting for the political party I am still attached with and they will be increasing in frequency and intensity as the General Election looms. I am living on two ends of a spectrum between Seminary and Politics. As I sat in the meeting, I was thinking to myself, how different and seperate are the two - as night and day in content and experience. I am glad for this two experiences in a day for I think they provide the necessary balance between the two worlds. After all in practice, they are the same - human predicament, corruption and life in general.

Here are some pictures of the STM Library where I spend my Tuesday mornings. The view from the library overseeing the driveway into STM - The road I take every morning when I come in.

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