Thursday, December 14, 2006
I was one of two co leaders and we were in the 90s going through busy young family lifes. We had newborns and the task of raising young children was upon us then. Evenings were often taken up meeting and counseling with singles who made up of more than half our congregation. The day time was dedicated to work and business. Our wives who were also very much involve in ministry took much of the pressure. Looking back, I can only have attributed our lifes to the grace of God who kept our faith….and our sanity.
Continuing “Lost in the Middle” (Paul Tripp) on “traps to avoid at the death of a dream.”
1) Envy Trap
2) Bitterness trap
Many of us are tempted to look back during mid life and do an accounting. We add up all our hard choices, good decisions, and disciplined labors and compare them to “good” things in life that we think we have earned a right to. If the good results do not match the the labor that we have invested, then we tend to feel we have been the victims of a cosmic con. ……They think back at all they have done and simply can’t understand why they don’t have more to show for it.
Tripp suggests that if we dwell on this inbalance and injustice the more bitter we get and ultimately the bitterness gets aimed at God.
I can name many including the organization that oversaw us whom I felt disappointed with. The people in the community etc. There were a thousand fingers to point to. The thing I realize is that if I did not see this entire death of the dream and the process of finding this new church community as the sovereign design of God, I could very easily have spiraled down into bitterness or regret.
It was only last Friday, when Luke (a brother who got saved through our community 6 years ago) shared in cell group at CDPC about his spiritual journey from Holland to Malaysia. He received Christ 7 years ago when we met him. We were a small part of that journey and I am grateful that God allowed us to be an influence in that period of his life. God’s time horizon is much bigger than ours and I realize that looking at my particular dream was like a fish in an aquarium thinking that that was the ocean. The dream, a gift from God, took personal ownership but also became a stumbling block to seeing God’s wider perspective thus limiting God’s glory and His incredible work in and among us.
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
I returned in 1992, after being away overseas for 5 years. The first Sunday back at the home church, there was an embarrasing public squabble between the pastor and the church board. It was masked in “prophecies” and in the sermon. This finally led to the ouster of the head pastor and confirmed my thoughts of "organized church" and its unattractiveness.
My involvement with a church group while overseas shifted a lot of my theology as I began to find through scriptures, Biblical support for much of what I had based my Christianity on. The most major of which was probably in my Sophomore year in college when a doctorate student from our little house fellowship committed suicide. He was manic depressive. The Lord assured me of his salvation and after much wrestling with scriptures, I was assured of my salvation and that because I was saved by grace through faith in Him, I could not lose my salvation. If it (salvation) did not depend on me (or my wisdom) in the first place, then how can it depend on me (to lose my salvation). I was delighted and have since celebrated in worship everyday for my freedom in Christ.
The second most drastic shift was in the way leaders and pastors were raised within the church. Pastors were recognized within churches because of their faithfulness to the Word and their character. That was a major change in my thinking as I grew up in a church organization that ordained pastors after a seminary degree. Many of my peers went into seminary and later ordained as pastors straight after Form 6.
With this excitement and zeal and the unattractiveness of fomal church, I began to start a Bible study group. Many of whom were those who had fallen out from the church squabble. Soon, leaders from Singapore who were affiliated with the group I was with in the US, came to Malaysia to start a church based on the house church model. We grew and in the 12 years we saw many come to the Lord as a result.
12 years on, I am sitting at this Presbyterian Church in the suburb of Subang pondering at what may seem to be the funeral of my dreams. Paul Tripp in "Lost in the Middle"outlines several traps that easily ensnare us at the funeral of our dreams:
1) The envy trap –“ It is easy to notice those who have are successful. It is easy to be captured by envy, that somehow God had gotten the wrong address.”
I thought we had the right formula, we were sincere, probably more so than the mega church leaders around – but yet we “failed.”
“Envy destroys 2 great commands: 1) Destroys loving worship of God. Envy debates His wisdom, doubts His sovereignty, and questions His love.” It accuses God of failing to be the wise Father that He promised to be. “
Although I was not consumed with envy, I did question “why” and failed to see this, not as a failure but as God’s sovereign plan to move on to a new vision for myself, for the other leaders and the church members. I failed to trust God and to have an attitude like Moses who realized his time was up and he was not going in to the promise land. Moses in Deut 33, recited blessings for each tribe....
......To be continued...................
Thursday, November 02, 2006
If your hope rest in your circumstances, then there is no hope to be found in Psalm88. If your hope rests in your ability to figure life out enough to solve your problems, then there is no hope to be found in Psalm88....
First Psalm88 reminds me that the God in whom I hope really does understand the deepest issues of the human heart. He is never caught off guard, never confused or overwhelmed...God looks with loving understanding into the deepest caverns of the human experience. He hears with patience and mercy the most desperate cries of the human heart. He never minimizes, mischaracterizes, misunderstands or mocks my struggle. There is really one who understands...
Yet there is more, how does Psalm 88 fit with the rest of the Psalms and the rest of the Bible? Psalm88 tells us how deep, how wide and far the arms of our Redeemer extend. God's grace is not wimpy, it extends, with life altering power, to the deepest level of suffering that is the result of damaging effects of sin in our world. Our Lord redeems the lost and the lonely, the rebel and the fearful, the confused and the doubtful, the sinner and the sufferer, the poor and the forsaken.
Because Psalm88 is in the Bible, you can say to yourself, "What I am going through right now is not beyond the scope of redemption. The loving hands of a powerful redeemer are long enough to reach into the details of this expereince as well...Here is the hope: YOU CAN NEVER LIVE BEYOND THE REACH OF GRACE...........
Lost in the Middle
Paul David Tripp
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Psalm 88 –
Darkest Psalm yet somewhere in there….is HOPE!!!??
Think about it for a moment. Christians get old. (gulp) Christians face disloyalty, dishonor and rejection. Christians face physical disease. Christians face governmental corruption and injustice. Christians face moments of disappointment and sadness. Christians face mistreatment. Sometimes our families break up, our cars crash, and our houses burn down. This is important for us to understand. The heaven we long for is yet to come. We live in the uncomfortable moment between the glories of justification and the glory of our final union with Christ for eternity. And where do we live in between? We live in a world that has been, and continues to be devastated by sin. The signs are everywhere around us. The world groans waiting for redemption.
Is this some mistake? Wouldn’t it be better, easier and more efficient for us to be ushered into eternity the moment we believe? You could commit your life and just disappear. No more need to face the hassles of life in the fallen world. No more fear of what will happen. No more need of security devices and pain medication. But our continued presence in this groaning place is not a failed plan…IT IS THE PLAN. As difficult as it is to accept, you are here because this is where your all-wise and all-loving Heavenly Father wants you. These experiences do not get in the way of what he is doing in and through you but are the means by which it gets done.
I think this is great. A Christian life today is often shown as a colorful life devoid of any pain or suffering. Sometimes there is much guilt when one goes through affliction or troubles. Like Job's friends the sufferer is accused of sin or perhaps disbelief or lack of faith etc. Yet, the Bible are filled with heroes who go through so much pain and suffering as in Psalm 88.
"There is no thought so distorted, no emotion so powerful, no circumstance so horrible, no action so twisted, and no desire so desperate as to be outside of the reach of the Redeemer and His Grace."
Thank you Lord for your Grace!
Friday, September 15, 2006
I also had the opportunity to take an afternoon off to attend the first FCCI (Fellowship of Companies for Christ International) seminar conducted by Mr. Ken Humphries. Again, the truths and the Word was radical and it goes against most business practice (common but bad in Malaysia) like paying suppliers...and on time!
I am excited about some of this ministries that are opening up for me. Will have to see where the Lord leads. Just spend a day settling a squabble in my office between 2 key employees which took a lot out of me and my time. Would not mind having a small group of similar business owners who could provide affirmation and counsel.
Thursday, August 17, 2006
The shield has 2 books above facing upwards and a single book below facing downward. This is to symbolize the limits of reason and the need for God's revelation. 370 years later the motto is simply; "Veritas". Truth.
Its ironic that the center of human excellence and wisdom is simply truth in mid air. No longer anchored in Christ or His Church.
Last night, I was blessed by Dr Ravi Zaccharias who shared the importance of Spirituality based on truth....the Word of God. Our faith is not blind because its founded and securely rested on this Truth! Christians have done their homework (in varying degrees) and have placed their faith on the Lord Jesus Christ. I was challenged personally to think about how much I know and cherish His Word. I desire Veritas Christo et Ecclesiae.
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
I am touched by todays reading in John 17:20-23. Jesus prays that we may be one and that we may be one also in Him.
That all of them may be one,
Father, just as you are in me and I am in you.
May they also be in us that the world may believe that you have sent me.
John 17:21
That there may exist a unity with the Triune God.
When we are securely rooted in personal intimacy with the Source of Life, it will be possible to be flexible without being relativistic,
convinced without being rigid;
willing to comfront without being offensive,
gentle without being soft and
true witness without being manipulative.
- Henri Nouwen
I realize that in trying to resolve disagreements or conflicts, my words are often laced with hidden objectives or manipulative which is only an indication of the flesh in me. I am especially aware of this when it comes to a conflict with someone close to me. I have learn to bite my tongue but still the words are there, internally. I want to know the Source of Life and be securely rooted in His love so that I will speak with grace and my life reflective of my Lord who is ever so merciful and just!
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Exodus 4: 2 "whats in your hand?"
- God used what is most familiar to Moses; his staff
- Our giftings must be given to the Lord...and willing to "throw it to the ground"
- Our giftings if not yielded to God could become a deadly serpent.
2 Kings 4: 2 "What is in your house?"
the widows oil
Although I am cautious about such use of scripture to draw parallels, these 2 questions have been ringing in my ears. The Lord has certainly bless me and Connie with much. We have not been as faithful as we have been in the past of offering it back to the Lord for His use. I pray the Lord will make clear the answers to these 2 questions....
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Reading again, this great book "Seeing and savouring Jesus Christ" (John Piper) - At last today I found a bookshop that carried many titles from Piper, it must be a good bookshop then...(Canaanland in Centerpoint PJ)
...We are all starved for the glory of God, not self. No one goes to the Grand Canyon to increase self esteem. Why do we go? Because there is greater healing for the soul in beholding splendour than there is in beholding self. Indeed what could be more ludicrous in a vast and glorious universe like this than a human being, on the speck called earth, standing in front of a mirror trying to find significance in his own self image? It is a great sadness that this is the gospel of the modern world.
The glorious gospel of Jesus Christ is for us, but definitely not about us. A simple example :
For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten son, that whoever belives in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3: 16
If the focus is on me : God loves me so much He sent Jesus to die for me. I am special and He loves me. (nothing wrong with that but should it stop there?)
If the focus is on God : A holy and awesome God, out of His grace and mercy gave His son up for me, a rebellious and sinful man.
The gospel is about the Glory of Christ..........
I wish to take this time of "limbo" to delight in Him, to enjoy Him and to behold His Glory and splendor...........
Friday, June 23, 2006
He is my light, my strength, my song
This Cornerstone, this solid ground
Firm through the fiercest drought and storm
What heights of love, what depths of peace
When fears are stilled, when strivings cease
My Comforter, my All in All
Here in the love of Christ I stand
Monday, June 19, 2006
In Christ alone my hope is found