Thursday, January 12, 2012

DAY 3 of Lectures

Well, have had my first class in Greek on Tuesday afternoon, Christian Spirituality and NT Survey on Wednesday and today - Worship & Liturgy and this afternoon OT Survey. I am enjoying the classes thoroughly and what a privelege to be able to study this way. If only undergraduate was this fun!

I'm still getting used to campus life and the community but have made some good friends. Just going to try whatever is required and see how much I can take. For now, I'm taking it like a full time job (8 to 5) - trouble is I've not had to do this "full-time" work hours for the last 15 years! Need some adjusting to.

Connie has been so supportive, making me a wonderful sandwich for lunch, taking over my laundry duties at home :) and taking the kids everywhere. Yesterday, I sat with Bryan and Ellisa to do my Greek homework :)

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